Resignation advice guide
Author: IntaPeople | Date published: 03/08/20

Resignation and job offer acceptance email templates
Congratulations on your job offer! Now you need to write your resignation letter…
If you’re panicking, then you’re not alone. Lots of people clam up when they have to deliver bad news, but don’t worry, we have you covered with our resignation email template, advice guide and job offer acceptance email.
Leaving a position can be an uncomfortable experience. Your employer may have helped you to develop new skills and progress your career. You may have only ever worked for one employer. You might have colleagues that you consider good friends, some of whom may have been important in both your career and personal life.
While these factors can be difficult to weigh up against an exciting new opportunity, it’s your responsibility to do what’s right for you.
What can I expect when I resign?
Your company will undoubtedly be sorry to lose you; you’ve contributed to their sales and profits and are probably involved in a project that needs you. Put yourself in the position of your boss; what would you do?
The counter-offer
It’s natural to resist change and disruption, and your boss will be no exception. Resignations disrupt businesses and often provoke counter-offers designed to make employees stay. However, if a counter-offer is accepted and a resignation is retracted, research shows it’s common for the employee to leave shortly afterwards as often underlying issues aren’t resolved.
Your employer has presented you with a counter-offer – Consider the following:
Where is the money for the counter-offer coming from? Is it just your next incremental raise made early? Why weren’t you being fully appreciated before?
Unless radical changes have been made, the same circumstances that made you restless are likely to still face you. Does the counter-offer adequately compensate you?
The manner of your resignation may influence the willingness of your employer to give a future reference, and its style.
What does a counter-offer sound or look like?
“I shouldn’t really be telling you this, but we were looking to promote you in the next six months.”
“We’ll match your offer and put it into effect next pay day. I meant to review it anyway.”
“Don’t make a decision now. Have a think about it and we’ll sit down to discuss it next week.”
It can be flattering to hear that people are disappointed you’re leaving, and emotion can confuse the reasons behind your decisions. While it’s natural to be apprehensive about leaving, especially if people are trying to convince you to stay, ask yourself the following questions:
“If I stay will things really change for the long-term?”
“If I stay, will my loyalty be questioned and affect my chances of promotion?”
“This rise makes me expensive for the position I’m in. Will that influence my future rises?”
“What will I have to do the next time I’m due a rise or promotion?”
Ultimately you should rely on your own judgement to decide whether to accept a counter-offer. You are the only person who can fully understand all the implications.
Resignation letter email template
Resigning from a job can be emotional experience, however you want to maintain a neutral and professional tone when writing your resignation letter email. We have put together this simple template to get you started, feel free to personalise it to fit your audience and personal circumstances.
Email subject line: [Insert your name] – Resignation
Dear [First name]
Notice of resignation
Please accept this letter as formal notice that I wish to resign from my position of [Job Title] with [Employer], leaving on [End Date].
Making this decision has been difficult because working at [Employer] has been a positive experience for which I am grateful.
I recognise the need to provide my full support to the [Name of department] until my departure and I will serve out my notice period as appropriate.
It’s my honest hope that the [name of department] and [Employer] as a whole enjoys every success in the future.
Yours sincerely
[Full name]
Job offer acceptance email template
Resigning is the hard part, accepting a job offer is the easy bit of the process. Here we have put together a straightforward job offer acceptance email template for you to modify based on your situation.
Email subject line: [Insert your name] – Job offer acceptance
Dear [First name]
Letter of acceptance
Please accept this as confirmation that I accept your recent offer of employment as [Job Title] with [Company].
Working with [Company] is a unique opportunity that promises to further my professional growth and development. Equally, I will endeavour to contribute towards the success of the organisation.
As agreed, I will report for work on [Start Date] at [Location].
In the meantime, please do not hesitate to contact me if necessary.
Yours sincerely
[Full name]
[Email address and telephone number]