Why people change jobs now more than ever
Author: IntaPeople | Date published: 01/05/19

Historically people would stay in one company for their entire career, working their way up the ladder. However, this culture has changed and the average Briton moves jobs every 5 years, with over 50% of software developers changing jobs within 2 years.
Why you might want to change jobs
1. Increase your earnings
Not all companies are equal, consequently the pay and benefits package on offer can vary dramatically depending on your employer and their industry. If you have sought-after skills, you are in an even better position as some employers are willing to pay more to secure the best talent.
2. Career advancement
People are looking for fulfilment, purpose and growth in their job. If there isn’t scope for you to progress your career and work your way up the ladder in your current employment, another company may have a suitable opening that allows you to achieve the level of responsibility you are looking for.
3. Progress your knowledge
Are you capable of more? When you start a new job there is usually a period of fast-paced learning followed by a longer period where you master your skills. Then the learning slows, and you must work harder to progress your knowledge. This is the perfect time to change jobs and start the process all over again, keeping your brain active and helping you come up with fresh ideas.
4. New challenges
Some sources suggest the perfect job involves challenging work that pushes you outside of your comfort zone about 20% of the time. This level of stimulation is enough to ensure you keep developing, without putting too much pressure on which can lead to burnout.
A job with little or no challenging work could result in bad work habits (playing games or surfing the web to pass time) and could affect your morale, which makes you less likely to jump on opportunities when they arise.
5. Frustrations with leadership
In the workplace you may not always agree with how things are being run or communicated by company leaders and management. If your manager isn’t communicating with you effectively or doesn’t offer relevant feedback this might impact your motivation. Have you brought your issues to your manager’s attention but had little in return? You may want to look for another role where you will feel valued.
6. Life changes
When things change in your personal life, whether that is starting/growing a family, your mental or physical health, or the health and wellbeing of a family member, your motivations and priorities change too.
Many people look for jobs that offer flexible working hours, allowing them to spend precious time with family. If your current job doesn’t enable you to have the work-life balance you want, and you have tried talking to your employer with no avail, maybe it is time to look for something new.
7. Company culture
Sometimes the company culture isn’t what you thought it was going to be, or the environment changes and it becomes a hostile place to work. It is always worth trying to address any issues you have with your current employer to see if things can be improved but don’t stay somewhere if you aren’t completely happy; going into work shouldn’t be a chore or make you feel uncomfortable.
There are lots of reasons why you might want to change jobs, maybe you aren’t completely happy in your current role or maybe something better comes along. Whatever your motivations, you should always do what is right for you. Don’t stay in a job if you are dissatisfied, and even if you are content don’t close yourself off to other options as you could be even happier somewhere else!
If you would like to keep your options open, simply register on our website and upload a copy of your CV. We can then get in touch if we have a suitable position. What is the harm? You can easily let us know if it isn’t right and we will keep you in mind until we find the perfect match for you.