Using AI for your job search effectively
In the fast-paced world of STEM, where innovation and precision are key, artificial intelligence (AI) is becoming a game-changer in job searches.
Why did you leave your last job? How to answer this tricky interview question
Learn how to craft a positive answer to the tricky question ‘why did you leave your last job’ that will help you shine at interview.
Face to face job interview preparation
Preparation is essential to a successful job interview. Find out more with our helpful face to face interview tips.
How to nail competency-based interview questions asked by hiring managers
Learn about competency style interviews, common questions you might be asked, and how to nail your answers to land your dream role.
What kind of interview questions should you ask IT infrastructure candidates?
Enjoy the IntaPeople guide to IT infrastructure interview questions to ask candidates!
How to account for being furloughed on your CV
Struggling with coming up with an explanation for CV gaps? Being on Furlough doesn't mean you're not going to find a better role. We've provided some tips you can use to
Telephone interview preparation
Preparation is essential to a successful telephone interview. Find out how to handle a phone interview with our helpful telephone interview tips.
“Tell me about yourself”
You have managed to secure yourself an interview, telephone or more commonly these days a video interview. You know this is your chance to understand the role, a chance to meet your future hiring manager, so you want to...
Video interview tips
Preparation is essential to a successful job interview. Find out more with our helpful video interview tips.
Questions to ask in an interview
We have put together some questions you can ask in an interview to help you decide whether a job is right for you.
Common interview questions
Preparing for a job interview will give you confidence. We have compiled a list of some common interview questions so you can plan your answers.
Have you heard of the concerning interview trick doing the rounds?
One hiring manger has revealed how he uses the ‘coffee cup trick’ to determine whether a candidate has the right attitude.
10 tips to Skype interview success
Today’s job seeker should be prepared to communicate and conduct interviews across multiple platforms. Skype is arguably one of the most difficult to master.