Start addressing the gender imbalance in STEM professions

Only 22% of those entering the STEM workforce are women. Our latest report The Great Gender Rebalance: Increasing Gender Diversity in STEM explores in-depth research into gender biased language in job ads and the wider challenges faced by women in STEM.


Check your job ads for gender bias using our free gender decoder tool or download the report and get the support you need to start addressing female representation in your STEM organisation.

Gender Decoder Tool; Check your job ads for gender bias

Improving gender balance within your STEM organisation can be a challenge. That’s why we’ve developed a free gender decoder tool to help you check for unconscious bias in your job adverts and wider hiring process.


These insights will allow to make further progress to close the gender gap and ensure your organisation is uniquely positioned to attract top female talent.


Simply copy and paste your job adverts into the tool and quickly learn whether your job is coded as masculine or feminine.

Female words

Male words

What do your gender decoder results mean?

Gender Decoder Tool for Job Ads

More masculine words

Your job advert may be preventing top female talent applying for the role

Gender Decoder Tool for Job Ads

Equal results

Your job advert is neutral and will not be off-putting to men or women

Gender Decoder Tool for Job Ads

More feminine words

Your job advert may encourage more female candidates to apply

Surprised by your results? If you want to find out how you can improve female representation in your organisation, contact us today – our team of STEM recruitment specialists will be happy to help!


    Report: The Great Gender Rebalance: Increasing Gender Diversity in STEM

    Using our advanced gender bias technology, we assessed over 500 job listings to see if STEM adverts use gendered language to attract or deter female applicants.


    Download the report to learn the results and take a deep dive into:

    • The challenges faced by women in STEM
    • The benefits of a gender-diverse workforce
    • How you can improve gender diversity in your workplace


      What progress is being made to shrink the gender gap?

      Looking to bridge this gap in the technology sector, CEO Ashwini Asokan has mandated
      a 50/50 gender balance policy for her AI start-up Mad Street Den

      Get the support you need to close the gender gap

      Our team is here to help your business drive effective transformation beyond passive policy changes. If you are hiring and concerned about gender representation in your organisation, please get in touch – our STEM recruitment specialists will be happy to help!