Recruiting, strategy, and culture: Make your organisation more sustainable
Author: IntaPeople | Date published: 16/02/22
The world is at an interesting crossroads. COP26 has brought to the fore that we all have a responsibility to take climate change seriously, and the pandemic demonstrated the catastrophic, far reaching and long-lasting impact a natural disaster can have on the world. And yet many of the leading powers in the world choose to put personal gain ahead of global sustainability. This leaves responsibility for climate change largely in the hands of the individual person and enterprise. Sustainable workplace practices in the office are achievable, you just need to adjust a few operational processes and your company culture!
Sustainable workplace incentives are not only hugely beneficial for the environment and the longevity of the planet, they also have a positive impact on your employer brand! Gen Z and millennials are markedly committed to sustainability. Having sustainability built into how you operate now and in the future will be attractive to future employees and help you retain the great talent you already have!
What do sustainable workplace practices involve?
Sustainable workplace practices can mean a broad range of actions. They can be built into how you recruit; searching for sustainable engineering or chemist skills, they can support the foundation of your business strategy; boosting productivity and efficiency with carbon neutral incentives (no more printing out documents and sending them in the post, email is faster, cheaper and carbon neutral!). But most importantly, sustainability needs to be something that is embedded at the core of your company culture and something that all of your employees buy in to and support.
How to improve environmental sustainability in the office
1.Measure and reduce your carbon footprint
The government is aiming to achieve net zero carbon emissions by 2050, and your organisation has the opportunity to contribute to this goal! But where do you start?
The first logical step is to get a good idea of what your current carbon footprint is so you can work out and strategise to get to net zero. There are useful carbon footprint calculators available online to help you do this.
2. Use local, sustainable suppliers
Using local suppliers for products and services will have a significant impact on the environment and improve the efficiency of your operations as couriers won’t have as far to go, etc. By setting up all your third-party suppliers in your local area, you’ll also support local business and reduce the likelihood of supply chain issues.
3. Make sustainability a company-wide incentive
You’ll be surprised in the support you get from your colleagues and employees when it comes to sustainability! Involving everyone, from leadership down, will ensure your incentives have a greater impact and reach your goals that much sooner. You can also incentivise participation through competitions and gamification. Offer a prize for people who use a cycle to work scheme the most or to the department that reduces their waste the most.
For remote working employees there are different sustainability considerations to be aware of. Remote workers may not contribute to a carbon footprint by commuting, using office supplies or contributing to office waste, but their increased usage of digital communication channels does have an impact on the environment. Offer ethical suppliers for electronics, equipment and to set up workspaces for remote employees alongside education on at-home sustainability.
4. Shout about your commitment!
As a leader in your industry and an employer looking to attract equally sustainably-minded individuals in the future, why not shout about your sustainability achievements? It’s a great way to spark and support change in your industry by showing other similar organisations that it can be done, and it’s a great way to show off the corporate responsibility of your company culture.
If you’re looking for more tips and insights on how to create a sustainable workplace, or to source STEM candidates with specific skills that support sustainable projects, get in touch! Our recruitment consultants would be happy to help you.
They can support you with your recruitment needs, advise on publicising your employer brand and can find you the talent you need – either in person or remotely – to drive success in the future of your organisation.
Get in touch today